How to quickly get rid of warts at home?

How to get rid of warts at home is not a new question and worries many people. This skin disease has been known for a long time. Once upon a time, appearances were linked to various factors, sometimes downright fantastic. Today everything is much simpler, and scientists have discovered the reason for their origin and have learned how to deal with such manifestations with drugs.

However, in most cases, people with similar problems prefer to reduce papillomas with folk remedies. How to get rid of warts at home without hurting yourself? Quite simple, actually. The main thing is to comply with all the rules for using folk remedies.

Treating warts with garlic

Garlic to remove warts

Garlic is considered one of the most effective ways to reduce unaesthetic growths.

Garlic treatment for warts is growing in popularity. Removing warts with folk remedies is the safest for all ages. Today scientists have proven the effects of this vegetable. The fact is that it contains sulfur compounds that are capable of destroying various viruses. And since warts, in most cases, appear due to infection with the papilloma virus, the use of this plant to combat them is very effective. On average, the use of this product will help remove the formations in two weeks.

Before you start treating warts, it's worth finding out which method is the most effective and the fastest.

minced garlic for warts

How to use garlic for warts:

  • Ripe cloves should be crushed until they become mushy. One spoonful of this raw material should be mixed with twenty grams of melted lard and 70 grams of vinegar. This mixture should be applied to problem areas, wrapped in a bandage. Such a compress is carried out at night. Remove in the morning and rinse (if you don't like the smell of garlic). This procedure should be repeated daily until the papilloma is completely gone.
  • You need to take three cloves of middle-aged garlic, put it in a glass container and pour 700 grams of apple cider vinegar. This mixture should be placed in a dark place for 21 days (shake daily). After that, a piece of napkin or other dense cloth should be moistened with the prepared vinegar and applied to the wart overnight. This should be done every day until it is completely gone.
  • You need to take a clove of garlic, put it in a glass or cup and pour it with table vinegar so that the liquid covers it completely. Cover the top with something and leave for two hours. Then the garlic is removed and tied to the affected area. Everything is done at night.
  • The easiest way to treat warts with garlic is to simply rub the place where the lesion has accumulated with a chopped clove. You can also apply a small piece of the vegetable to the papilloma at night.
  • Often, garlic is used in combination with bananas to get rid of pathologies. This is a more modern method. The advantage is, first of all, not a prominent garlic smell. You need to cut the head of the garlic and squeeze out the juice. With this liquid, you need to smear the wart, put a piece of ripe banana peel on it (with the inside) and fix it (it is best to hold it with a medical tape). Change the compress every day.
  • bath to remove warts
  • In the past, garlic cakes were made to cure papillomas. To do this, cloves of ripe garlic are crushed to a pulp and mixed with rye flour in a 1: 1 proportion. Such pancakes are applied to problem areas and tightly tied for eight hours.
  • If warts appeared on the soles, such a remedy will help: in the evening, before going to bed, the feet should be well steamed in hot water, then the papilloma can be rubbed with garlic juice and a plaster applied to this place.

Garlic treatment of such formations is effective, but before carrying out the above procedure, you should make sure that there is no allergy to this product.

You can also remove warts and onions.

Remove warts with vinegar

Regular table vinegar and apple cider vinegar are suitable for this procedure. You can treat it at any time, but it is most effective at night.

You need to rinse the affected area well, preferably with soap. This will degrade the skin, which will ensure the vinegar is working more effectively. After that, you need to wait until the place of formation is completely dry and you can apply a compress.

apple cider vinegar to remove warts

To do this, a piece of cotton wool or thick cloth must be moistened with acetic acid and stacked. The top should be fixed with a bandage or medical plaster. In this form, you have to leave for ten hours. The procedure should be carried out every day and every time it is very important to degrease the skin with soap. If during the treatment you feel a strong burning sensation, you can dilute the vinegar slightly with water. In a few days, the formation will be reduced.

There is another method of using vinegar to fight papillomas. It is much simpler and simply moistens the affected area with acetic acid. Although easier to apply, the effect takes longer.

Since vinegar is an acid, it helps to prevent burns on the healthy areas of skin around the formations. To do this, the cover near the wart must be lubricated with cosmetic cream or ordinary petroleum jelly.

Remove warts with thread

The application of this method is well known in traditional medicine, but traditional science does not recommend its use.

Doctors say that this method can lead to an infectious papilloma or an inflammatory process, which, as a result, will lead to the fact that the growth turns into a malignant formation.

Its essence lies in blocking the flow of blood to the buildup.

wart removal thread

To remove warts with a thread, you need to take a very thin material (preferably silk), make a small circle and place it on the papilloma. The stack is pulled back a little, and the thread is tightened more tightly. As a result of the fact that education lacks nutrition, after a while it will dry up and disappear.

  • People also resort to more frugal methods based on belief in the great power of nature. For example, they take a thread and tie a knot over the wart. Then they cut the potato tubers, put these tied threads there and buried them all together in the ground. It is believed that papillomas will disappear as soon as the potatoes rot. The threads are a bit sore but the results are amazing.
  • They also go out into the street by a red thread, when the young moon shines brightly. Under this luminary, it is necessary to tie as many knots as necessary to reduce growth, while asking the young moon to take the warts with them. After that, the thread is buried in the ground. It is believed that the disease will pass once the thread is gone.

Iodine and castor oil

There is another effective way to get rid of warts - with the help of medical iodine. Many people have questions about how to get rid of warts at home in this way. No special skills are required here. To apply the drug, you will need a cotton swab.

remove warts iodine

It is necessary to smear the formations with iodine from one to five times a day. Iodine is absorbed into the skin fairly quickly, so if you process less, there will be no results. You need to treat the wart for at least a week. If after this time the wart has not disappeared, the procedure should be extended. As a result, the papilloma will dry out and change color. There's no point in removing it by force, over time it will go away on its own.

Iodine is also used in some cases as an additive when removing warts with other medications. The antibacterial properties are great for speeding up wound healing once the growths have been removed.

But to treat with this drug, there are some contraindications:

  1. Iodine is not recommended for burning education for young children. Children's skin is very sensitive, so redness may appear in the area smeared with this liquid.
  2. You should not use the drug if there is an intolerance.
  3. If the wart is even slightly damaged, iodine should be used with extreme caution.
  4. Also, you do not need to use iodine during pregnancy.
  5. In addition, they can not be smeared with formations in case of diathesis or acne.

Treatment of warts with iodine is a very old method. They started using it as soon as the drug appeared. They can reduce papillomas on their own. The effect of this substance is, first of all, in its disinfecting ability. That is, iodine destroys the papilloma virus directly and at the same time contributes to wound healing.

Also in folk medicine, castor oil is used for warts. It affects all types of growth. It should be lubricated with oil three times a day. Treatment results will be visible after three days.

If you apply them in the early stages of their appearance, then you will get rid of them on the second day.

It is important not to focus on the number of days of use of the drug, but on whether the dry wart has disappeared. The little pink spot should stay in place. Over time, it will become the color of the skin.

castor oil to remove warts

Castor oil can be used as a preventative against warts. To protect yourself from their appearance, you should use castor oil-based remedies.

The oil must be diluted with water to form a 10% solution. The resulting liquid is necessary to lubricate the places where there are warts two or three times a week.

Warts are more unpleasant than complex skin conditions. Unaesthetic manifestations on the body make one think about its rapid destruction. Do not torment yourself with questions about how to get rid of warts with folk remedies. To do this, just read the options and methods listed above. Getting rid of them is easy. Getting rid of warts with folk remedies in the shortest possible time will allow you to forget about their existence. A quick home treatment for warts is to reduce them with all the above methods.